
trad. Humba Nathi with soloist Christy Baker

John Rutter, b. 1945: Gloria- first movement

Ludwig v. Beethoven, 1770-1827: Symphony 6; Allegro ma non troppo

Jan Garrett, b. 1945 (arranged by Larry Nickel): I Dreamed of Rain

Ludwig v. Beethoven: Symphony 6; Donner. Sturm. (Allegro), Hirtengesang (Allegretto)

Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732-1809: The Heavens are Telling from The Creation
Soloists: Gabriel- Helen Schroeder; Uriel- Stewart Smith; Raphael- Rick Bolhuis


Neil Young, b. 1945 (arranged by Ben Bolt-Martin): After the Gold Rush

Erso (Veda Hingert-McDonald and Keenan Reimer Watts): As Body

Eric Whitacre, b. 1970: Glow

Randall Thompson, 1899-1984: Choose Something Like a Star from Frostiana